5 Levels of Training Evaluation

The Mindmarker reinforcement evaluation is a step-by-step approach to develop key measurements that influence the future of your organization. The types of measurements are categorized into training levels and serve as training evaluation criteria. The reinforcement scorecard provides an overview of the methods, defined objectives, and results of your program.

Level 1: Reaction, Satisfaction, and Intention

Center the learner by assessing their satisfaction with the training and their motivation to apply what they've learned.

Organizations that don't have a training reinforcement program, or are just building one, start by evaluating at Level 1 through a generic, end-of-program questionnaire. While this level of evaluation is important and a stepping stone, the results from this level don't offer much insight into learner sentiment.

Level 2: Knowledge Retention

Level 2 focuses on what the learner retained from their training program. A learning test is helpful to ensure that learners understand how to apply their new knowledge. Although the learner knows how to implement a skill, there's no guarantee that they will apply their new skills on the job.

Level 3: Application and Implementation

We use a variety of follow-up methods to determine whether learners are applying new skills on the job, like behavioral assessments and assignments followed by in-depth knowledge checks. While Level 3 evaluation may prove that the learner is successfully applying training, it doesn't guarantee business impact.

Level 4: Business Impact

Level 4 focuses on the actual results achieved from a training program and how these results impact the organization. This is done by measuring output, quality, costs, time, and customer satisfaction.

Level 5: Return on Investment (ROI)

The reinforcement scorecard provides an overview of the evaluation levels 1 to 4 from the reinforcement course. Based on these values, the ROI (Level 5) calculation is determined by the organization.

Evaluation is Critical to Measuring Training Success

Evaluation is an integral component of any training reinforcement program. Critical data gets lost or isn't collected systematically if evaluation is done on a post-facto basis. Evaluation questionnaires must be carefully designed to provide high-value information that can be used to create impactful changes. The results of an evaluation exercise of this nature must be communicated to all stakeholders.

A senior-level corporate executive should be appointed as a program sponsor and be held accountable for the effective implementation and execution of the reinforcement program.

Interested in assessing your training programs and measuring training impact? Download our eBook, The Science Behind Mindmarker.

This post was originally published on March 16, 2017.

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