How Spaced Repetition Impacts Memory

Spaced repetition and the Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve are two of the most powerful tools to reinforce information and drive knowledge retention.

Understanding Spaced Repetition & The Forgetting Curve

Spaced repetition is a learning tactic that utilizes the spacing effect from Ebbinghaus' research.

Here’s a great explanation from

The spacing effect essentially says that if you have a question, and you can only study it, say, 5 times, then your memory of the answer will be strongest if you spread your 5 tries out over a long period of time.

Timing plays a critical role in reinforcement and memory strength. The time of the day that repetition takes place is also a very important factor.

Organizations can increase the impact of their reinforcement programs by factoring in effective repetition and timing.

Spaced Repetition vs. Training Reinforcement

Training reinforcement takes the concept of spaced repetition and adds additional layers, making it a more effective training solution.

Training reinforcement uses your training content, learning objectives, and expected behavior outcomes to create a goal-based program and timeline of events. Your objectives are then spaced out over the course of the program to increase knowledge retention. By utilizing a smart, automated delivery platform, Mindmarker uses spaced repetition to create lasting behavior change.

Download our eBook, Moving Beyond The Forgetting Curve, to learn how to utilize spaced repetition in your reinforcement program.

This post was originally published on October 11, 2016.

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